
AdCritter is the leading small business advertising platform which gives users the ability to create and manage digital advertising campaigns on streaming TV, internet and digital billboards.

How it works

AdCritter users can create their own ad, choose from pre-made ones or request a custom ad for their business. Then, they choose to target by location, demographics and/or audience segments. Its self-serve subscription platform includes pre-made ads, premium targeting tools and ad placement on premium networks and sites.

How to get started

Click on the "Go to AdCritter" button to create a free account with a 30-day free trial use of our platform. You don't get charged until you launch a campaign. Once your ad is approved, you will begin seeing analytics on your dashboard in a day or two.

Fundbox Plus Offer

30 days free, then save $50 per month

  • Access millions of pre-designed ads
  • Free custom ad design for unique business types
  • Advanced customer targeting
  • Hyper-local geo-targeting

If you’re an existing Fundbox Plus customer, input your email and get details about activating this partner offer.

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